

d3 chart

The d3.chart is a javascript library to draw wonderful pictures.


python –m SimpleHTTPServer 8888



(set-task "actr.tasks.ActrInterface.SIMCogACTR") 

(sgp :esc t :lf .05 :trace-detail high)

(chunk-type read-bar state)

    (start isa chunk)(attend isa chunk)
    (respond isa chunk)
    (goal isa read-bar state start)
(p find-bar
        ISA read-bar
        state start
        ISA visual-location
        :attended nil
        state find-location
(p attend-bar
        ISA read-bar
        state find-location
        ISA visual-location
        state free
        ISA move-attention
        state attend
(p encode-bar
        ISA read-bar
        state attend
        ISA rectangle
        value =bar
        state free
        state respond
        isa array
        bar =bar
(p back
        ISA read-bar
        state respond
        isa array
        state start
        (goal-focus goal)

#Website Development Demo

Private Repository

Public Website

Apache, Php, MySQL

Apache, Php, MySQL2

Apache setup

To be realized

Companies interface is not realized.

User profile is not realized(recording submited information)

Search in the main page is not working

use a crawler to get information of job and companies .

d3 tutorial

d3 line graph

demo1 x,y axis

Yifan’s repository